Top Down Club Budgets

In the height of the budget season, many clubs focus their efforts entirely on the operating budget in a line-by-line approach without considering important big picture items like the capital budget and long-term planning. An alternative is to start with a top view including the capital ledger and branch out from there. In this webinar, we'll explain how the capital ledger and the “bigger” picture can be used in the budget process to determine what does (or does not) actually need to change on the operating ledger. We'll introduce key capital metrics you can use to help your board see the “big picture” and avoid getting mired in inconsequential line items in the operating budget.

2024 Club Governance Report:
Nominations & Succession Planning

Thursday, June 6th, 2024
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EASTERN

Club Benchmarking has been conducting surveys related to club governance since 2017. Over the last several years, survey respondents have expressed concern or uncertainty about the nomination and succession planning process at their club. With that in mind, our 2024 Club Governance Survey focused on the nominating and succession process in the private club industry.

In this webinar, we will present a summary of key findings from the 2024 Club Governance Survey to better understand how clubs manage and build their volunteer leadership teams. 

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