Webinar: Proper Capital Planning is a Process, Not a Project

If you are a private club leader struggling with the capital planning process, you are not alone. Club Benchmarking analysis of balance sheet data from more than 1,000 clubs indicates that 75% are not generating sufficient capital to meet future needs. Those outcomes are most common in clubs that either lack a capital plan entirely or have significant weaknesses in their approach to that process. In this session, we address common issues that undermine the effectiveness of capital planning efforts in the club industry and explain the core components of a comprehensive, sustainable plan recently introduced at the 2023 CMAA conference as COMPASS - Comprehensive Asset Management.

2024 Club Governance Report:
Nominations & Succession Planning

Thursday, June 6th, 2024
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EASTERN

Club Benchmarking has been conducting surveys related to club governance since 2017. Over the last several years, survey respondents have expressed concern or uncertainty about the nomination and succession planning process at their club. With that in mind, our 2024 Club Governance Survey focused on the nominating and succession process in the private club industry.

In this webinar, we will present a summary of key findings from the 2024 Club Governance Survey to better understand how clubs manage and build their volunteer leadership teams. 

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