Fast Facts: Explaining the Club Business to Your Board

A club board is more likely to achieve alignment and work together productively if everyone is speaking the same language. Unfortunately, a disconnect often exists between the way finance is discussed in their familiar world of business and what they hear when they step into the club boardroom. Faced with that communication gap, many managers struggle to explain the club's results in a way that satisfies the board. In this session, Club Benchmarking CEO and Co-Founder Ray Cronin will present ways to bridge the divide and explain the business to your board in their native tongue—the language of finance.

Effective Management of Capital Planning
Supports Sustainable Financial Success

Friday, October 27th, 2023
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EASTERN

The data is clear – Strategic capital planning is the cornerstone of sustainable financial success. Club Benchmarking is working hard to support a shift in capital planning in the club industry, from an episodic and tactical approach to one that is perpetual and strategic.

In this session, Capital Planning Specialists Eric Gregory and John Clark and Club Benchmarking Founder Ray Cronin will present data and real-world examples that illustrate how clubs are changing their financial futures by embracing the Best Practices of Capital Planning.

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